Corporate Sustainability

Implementation of Integrity Management

NAE conducts business activities based on the principles of fairness, honesty, trustworthiness and transparency, implements the policy of honest business, and actively prevents dishonest behavior.

We have established the ” Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles” and ” Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct” to specifically regulate our colleagues to implement legal compliance and strictly abide by integrity discipline when performing business, and shall not engage in the following situations:

  • Bribery and accepting bribes.
  • Providing illegal political donations.
  • Improper charitable donations or sponsorships.
  • Providing or accepting unreasonable gifts, entertainment or other improper benefits.
  • Infringement of trade secrets, trademark rights, patent rights, copyrights and other intellectual property rights.
  • Engage in unfair competition.
  • Products and services that directly or indirectly harm the rights, health and safety of consumers or other stakeholders during research and development, procurement, manufacturing, provision or sales.

In 2024,NAE did not have any incidents of corruption, fraud or other violations of integrity in business operations.